Palestine | HISTORY , Religion & Conflicts | HISTORY (2024)

What Is Palestine?

The word Palestine derives from ancient Greek (Philistia), but ancient Egyptian, Assyrian and Hebrew languages also included similar-sounding words to describe the region or its people. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all strongly tied to the region, and trace origins to the land over the past few thousand years.

Following the 1918 fall of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Palestine typically referred to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Much of this land is now part of present-day Israel.

Today, the region known as the Palestinian Territories includes the West Bank (a territory that sits between modern-day Israel and Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt). These areas have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967. However, control over this region is a complex and evolving situation. There is no international consensus concerning the borders—28 United Nations member countries currently do not recognize Israel at all—and many areas claimed by the Palestinian Territories are also claimed by Israel.

More than 135 United Nations member countries recognize Palestine as an independent state, but Israel and some other countries, including the United States, don’t make this distinction.

Palestine's Early Roots

Scholars believe the name “Palestine” is derived from the name of the people—the Philistines—who occupied part of the region in the 12th century B.C.

Over the centuries, Jews, Muslims and Christians and followers of other religions have all claimed special connections to the region. The Hebrew Bible contains narratives of ancient Israelites' presence in the land, including the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, established by KingDavid and his descendants around 1000 B.C. Those kingdoms' rivals included other Canaanite groups like the Philistines, whose territory encompassed the ancient city of Gaza.

The region was later conqueredby numerous empires, including the Babylonians, Persians and Romans. It first came under Muslim control when Jerusalem fell tothe Rashidun Caliphate in 637, less than five years after the Prophet Muhammed's death. During the Crusades, Christian armies from Western Europe fought both Muslims and local Christian factions for control of their religions' holy sites. Between 1517 and 1917, the Ottoman Empire—whose official religion was Islam—ruled the region.

When World War I ended in 1918, the British took control of Palestine. The League of Nations issued a British mandate for Palestine—a document that gave Britain administrative control over the region, and included provisions for establishing a Jewish national homeland in Palestine—which went into effect in 1923.

The Partition of Palestine

In 1947, after more than two decades of British rule, the United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into two sections: an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state. The city of Jerusalem, which was claimed as a capital by both Jews and Palestinian Arabs, was to be an international territory with a special status.

Most Jewish leaders accepted the plan, but many Palestinian Arabs—some of whom had been actively fighting British and Jewish interests in the region since the 1920s—vehemently opposed it.

Some Arab leaders argued that they represented the majority of the population and should be granted more territory. They began to form volunteer armies throughout Palestine.

Israel Becomes a State

In May 1948, less than a year after the Partition Plan for Palestine was introduced, Britain withdrew from Palestine and Israel declared itself an independent state, implying a willingness to implement the Partition Plan.

Almost immediately, neighboring Arab armies moved in to prevent the establishment of the Israeli state. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War that ensued involved Israel and five Arab nations—Transjordan (now Jordan), Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon. By the war's end in July 1949, Israel controlled more than two-thirds of the former British Mandate, while Jordan took control of the West Bank and Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip.

The 1948 conflict opened a new chapter in the struggle between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs, which now became a regional contest involving nation-states and a tangle of diplomatic, political and economic interests.

The PLO Is Born

In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed for the purpose of establishing a Palestinian Arab state on the land previously administered under the British Mandate, and which the PLO considered to be occupied illegitimately by the State of Israel.

The PLO was originally dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel as a means of attaining its goal of Palestinian statehood. By the time of the 1993 Oslo Accords, the PLO accepted Israel's right to exist in exchange for formal recognition of the PLO by Israel—a high water mark in Israeli-Palestinian relations. In 1969, the well-known Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat became the Chairman of the PLO and held that title until his death in 2004.

The Six-Day War

The 1967 Six-Day War was triggered during a volatile period of diplomatic friction and skirmishes between Israel and its neighbors. In April 1967, the clashes worsened after Israel and Syria fought a ferocious air and artillery engagement in which six Syrian fighter jets were destroyed.

In the wake of the April air battle, the Soviet Union provided Egypt with intelligence that Israel was moving troops to its northern border with Syria in preparation for a full-scale invasion. The information was inaccurate, but it nevertheless stirred Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser to advance forces into the Sinai Peninsula, where they expelled a United Nations peacekeeping force that had been guarding the border with Israel for over a decade.

Israel Defense Forces then launched a preemptive aerial attack against Egypt on June 5, 1967. Both nations claimed that they were acting in self-defense in the ensuing conflict, which ended on June 10 and also drew in Jordan and Syria, who sided with Egypt. The Six-Day War, as it came to be called, resulted in major land gains for Israel.

By the end of the war, Israel had taken control of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Sinai Peninsula (a desert region situated between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea) and the Golan Heights (a rocky plateau located between Syria and modern-day Israel).

The outcome of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War would lead to continued tension and armed conflict between Israel and its neighbors over the coming decades.

The 1978 Camp David Accords brought a formal peace between Israel and Egypt that included a return of the Sinai Peninsula and called for further negotiations about Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The First Intifada and the Oslo Accords

In 1987, the First Intifada broke out, a boiling over of Palestinian anger over ongoing Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinian militia groups revolted, and hundreds of people were killed.

A subsequent peace process, known as the Oslo Peace Accords, was initiated in 1993 in a multilateral attempt to end the ongoing violence.

The first Oslo Accord (Oslo I) created a timetable for a Middle East peace process and a plan for an interim Palestinian government in parts of Gaza and the West Bank. The agreement was signed in 1993 and witnessed by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Arafat returned to Gaza in 1994 after being exiled for 27 years. He headed up the newly-formed Palestinian Authority.

In 1995, Oslo II laid the groundwork for a complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from parts of the West Bank and other areas. It also set a schedule for Palestinian Legislative Council elections.The Oslo Accords ultimately failed to bring Israel and the Palestinians to an agreement over a full-fledged peace plan.

Here's Why the Oslo Accords Failed

The Second Intifada: Violence Continues

In September 2000, the Second Palestinian Intifada began. One of the triggers for the violence was when Ariel Sharon, a right-wing, Jewish Israeli who would later become Israel’s prime minister, visited the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

The highly contested site is sacred in Judaism as the location of the Hebrew Temples, and in Islam for its association with the Prophet Mohammed. Many Palestinians felt this was an offensive and provocative move, and they protested. Riots, suicide bombings and other attacks subsequently broke out, putting an end to the once-promising peace process.

This period of violence between Palestinians and Israelis lasted nearly five years. Yasser Arafat died in November 2004, and by August of 2005, the Israeli army withdrew from Gaza.


In 2006, Hamas, a Sunni Islamist militant group, won the Palestinian legislative elections.

That same year, fighting between Hamas and Fatah, the political group that controlled the PLO, ensued. In 2007, Hamas defeated Fatah in a battle for Gaza.

Hamas has perpetrated terrorist tactics, including carrying out suicide bombings, conducting deadly raids on military and civilian targets and repeatedly calling for the destruction of Israel.

Hamas and Israel have fought each other in several bloody conflicts, including in 2008, 2012 and 2014.

In April 2014, Hamas and Fatah agreed to a deal that would form a unified national Palestinian government, but continuing power struggles between the major parties led to its full dissolution by 2019. That left Fatah dominant in the West Bank and Hamas in full control of the Gaza Strip.

Current State of Palestine

Although Palestinians occupy key areas of land, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, some Israelis, with their government's blessing, continue to settle in areas that are generally agreed to be under Palestinian control. Many international rights groups consider such settlements illegal, and multiple UN resolutions have been passed backing that position. Borders aren’t clearly defined, and persistent conflict continues to be the norm. A substantial proportion of Israelis also oppose the settlements and would prefer to find peaceful ways to resolve their land disputes with the Palestinians.

In May 2017, leaders of Hamas presented a new charter that proposed the formation of a Palestinian state using the 1967 defined borders, with Jerusalem as its capital. However, the group still refused to recognize Israel as a state, and the Israeli government promptly rejected the plan.

In May 2018, tensions increased when the U.S. Embassy relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Perceiving this as a signal of American support for Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Palestinians responded with widespread protests at the Gaza-Israel border. As protests escalated, Israeli forces responded with force, leading to the deaths of dozens of protesters.

In October 2023, Hamas militants launched a coordinated terrorist assault on Israel, kidnapping more than 200 people and killing more than 1,000 Israelis, many of them civilians, leading Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare "we are at war." Israel began retaliatory airstrikes in Gaza, leading to thousands of Palestinian deaths, including civilians.


Palestine. Ancient History Encyclopedia.
Palestine. World History Encyclopedia.
What is Palestine and Palestinians? Israel Science and Technology Directory.
Everything you need to know about Israel-Palestine.
Map: The countries that recognize Palestine as a state. Washington Post.
UN Partition Plan. BBC News.
The Palestinian Liberation Organisation. The History Learning Site.
Timeline: History of a Revolution. Al Jazeera.
Hamas accepts Palestinian state with 1967 borders. Al Jazeera.
Palestine Liberation Organization. Oxford Islamic Studies Online.
Oslo Accords Fast Facts. CNN.
Profile: Hamas Palestinian movement. BBC News.

Palestine | HISTORY , Religion & Conflicts | HISTORY (2024)


What is the conflict between Israel and Palestine really about quizlet? ›

The dispute arose from the CONFLICTING CLAIMS TO THE LAND. The land that the Jewish people considered their ancestral homeland and sought to reestablish as a Jewish state was also regarded as historically belonging to the Palestinians by the Arabs.

What is the Israel Palestine conflict for dummies? ›

The dispute is over a specific area of land (what used to be the Mandatory Palestine area) that Palestinians and Israelis both claim. Many attempts have been made to make a two-state solution, which would mean an independent Palestinian state and an Israeli state, dividing the land between the two groups.

What was the problem of Palestine? ›

Arab demands for independence and resistance to immigration led to a rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides. UK considered various formulas to bring independence to a land ravaged by violence. In 1947, the UK turned the Palestine problem over to the UN.

Is Palestine a country or part of Israel? ›

Etymology. Although the concept of the Palestine region and its geographical extent has varied throughout history, it is now considered to be composed by the modern State of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

When did the Israel Palestine conflict start? ›

After Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, the fighting intensified with other Arab forces joining the Palestinian Arabs in attacking territory in the former Palestinian mandate. On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted.

What are the three main causes of the Arab Israeli conflict? ›

To summarise, having analysed Zionism, Arab nationalism and British foreign policy as three key causes of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, as well as three major consequences of the war, this essay can conclude that the 1948 Arab-Israeli war was a highly complex conflict with its origins going as far back as biblical times.

Was Palestine a country before Israel? ›

While the State of Israel was established on 15 May 1948 and admitted to the United Nations, a Palestinian State was not established. The remaining territories of pre-1948 Palestine, the West Bank - including East Jerusalem- and Gaza Strip, were administered from 1948 till 1967 by Jordan and Egypt, respectively.

How many Palestinians have been killed by Israel? ›

Gaza's health ministry said Thursday that the number of Palestinians killed in the war has surpassed 30,000. The official number now stands at 30,035 deaths.

What is the religion of Israel? ›

According to the country's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) classification system (2021 data), approximately 73.8 percent of the population is Jewish, 18 percent Muslim, 1.9 percent Christian, and 1.6 percent Druze.

Who is helping Palestine right now? ›

The IRC is working with partners to deliver critical emergency aid to families in Gaza and conflict zones around the world. Donate now to support our critical work. We are on the frontlines providing critical aid to crisis-affected people in more than 50 countries, including places on the 2024 Emergency Watchlist.

Who was in Palestine first? ›

In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites. According to tradition, Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan.

What is a short paragraph about Palestine? ›

The State of Palestine, also known simply as Palestine, is a partially recognized sovereign state in the Middle East with East Jerusalem as its de jure capital. It is recognized by 141 UN members. Since 2012 it has non-member observer state in the United Nations.

Is Palestine technically a country? ›

The designation "Palestine" for the PLO was adopted by the United Nations in 1988 in acknowledgment of the Palestinian declaration of independence, but the proclaimed state still has no formal status within the system.

What country is Palestine now? ›

Historical Palestine is made up of the current Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank—referred to as the State of Palestine—and the country of Israel. Both of these territories were captured by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. In these areas combined, there are around 7 million Palestinians.

Who does Palestine belong to? ›

Much of this land is now part of present-day Israel. Today, the region known as the Palestinian Territories includes the West Bank (a territory that sits between modern-day Israel and Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt). These areas have been under Israeli military occupation since 1967.

What is a key factor behind the Israeli Palestinian conflict quizlet? ›

The right to sovereignty and security, as well as access to oil, gas, and water, are key factors behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What is the significance of the city of Jerusalem in the Israel and Palestine conflict quizlet? ›

What role does it play in the conflict? - Jerusalem is such an important city because it has the holiest sites in both Judaism and Islam. - Both Jews and Palestinians want it to be their capital city because they want control of these important sites.

What are the two main issues of the Arab Israeli conflict quizlet? ›

The central issues are territory, refugees, compensation and the status of Jerusalem. This location has great religious importance to both groups.

What caused the Israel Gaza conflict? ›

The Gaza War started when Israel launched a large military campaign in the Gaza Strip on 27 December 2008, codenamed Operation "Cast Lead" (Hebrew: מבצע עופרת יצוקה), with the stated aim of stopping Hamas rocket attacks on southern Israel and arms smuggling into Gaza.

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