Hero Slayer (kny x bnha reader) - 2 years of training (2024)


Y/n pov

Urokodaki has told us the whole story and history of demons and demon slayers. How it all started and all the rules that the demon slayers must follow... Even explained who the demon king is ...

We start our training by deciding down the mountain again and again until we both are able to not get stuck in a trap. I also noticed that Tanjiro is writing in a journal for Nezuko about our training progress. That's sweet of him.

Anyway, Urokodaki has given us a katana as we run up and down the mountain, so we can get used to having it on us while we run around. That was a pain. Keep getting it stuck on bamboo trees and such. Also, teaching how to use the katana. If we break it, he'll break our bones... yeah, I'm not gonna deal with that sh*t.

It was a struggle at first, but I quickly got used to it. While Tanjiro is struggling in some way, it is somehow managing. We also trained to break our fall and get up quickly also, to wield our katanas and face Urokodaki with the intent to strike him down. While he is unarmed. We both struggle at that. Tanjiro, more so than me. Urokodaki keeps thrown us to the ground... which hurts like f*ck...

I'm siting there watch Tanjiro do his turn against Urokodaki. I sigh and close my eyes... I wonder if they noticed I'm missing...

Eri pov

It's been a few days since mummy went missing. I've been crying out for her almost everyday now.

(A/n: Yes, the universe you're in goes by faster than your old universe)

The only people that can calm me down are Uncle Mirio, Uncle deku, Uncle Sharky, Auntie Ochako, Grandma (your mum), and Grandpa(your dad). I don't call yaomomo mama anymore because of what happened.

I just want mummy back!

Y/n pov

I sigh quietly and go check on Nezuko... she hasn't woken up, and it's been 6 months now. Me and Tanjiro grew worried about her even though the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with her....

As the months go past, me and Tanjiro been doing excessive exercise to increase our strength, speed, and mobility as well as learning breath technique and standard forms. If we got it wrong, Urokodaki, I'll hit us extremely hard... the breath style was water breathing, and the breathing technique is total concentration breathing. I also created a breathing style while using my quirk.

Every day, we go high into the mountains to control our breathing within the mountains, thin air. Many times, I had to catch Tanjiro from fainting, and he did the same with me. I also had to train my quirk far from the house, so I won't hurt Nezuko with the light parr of my quirk.

Now, it's been a year since. I'm now 17 while Tanjiro is 14. We both get taken somewhere by Urokodaki. He stops and faces us.

"I have nothing more to teach you" He says
"Wah" we both say
"The rest is up to you. Can you take what I have taught you and bring it to the next level" Urokodaki states

He shows us two massive boulders....

"If you can split this boulder, I will approve you for final selection" Urokodaki say
"Are you serious!" I say

But Urokodaki is gone. We both groan and look at our boulders. I walk to up to my boulder and tap it with my fist....

"It's not hollow..." I say
"Damn it..." Tanjiro groans
"Let's keep practicing our swing and everything else we go taught, and then we can try splitting this thing" I sug
"Huh... yeah!" He says

With that, we go cutting bamboo and do anything we get taught every day, and we kept trying to split the boylder but failing horribly.

It's now half a year and still can't split the f*cking boulder! Tanjiro is head butting the boulder while I'm leaning against mine, with my eyes closed to think. I eyes light up and get up and draw my katana out. Tanjiro noticed and watches.

I take a deep breath and grip my katana tightly. I pull my katana over my head and swing it down with all my might. We both hear a crack . I open my eyes to see my boulder has been cut in half! I drop my katana in shock. I watched Tanjiro try to do it but failed. Out of frustration, he headbutts the boulder again.

"Come on try harder!" Tanjiro shouts

We blink and look around till we look up to see a guy sitting on top of Tanjiro boulder.

"A man shouldn't whine. It's unseemly." the guy says

I slump down tired as I watch him jump down insult Tanjiro... just for this guy to attack Tanjiro with a wooden katana. Which, lead to Tanjiro getting beaten up. Man, I wish I had popcorn...

"You're slow and weak. And immature. At least she is strong enough to cut her boulder. You'll never be a demon slayer" the guy says

I blink, and I shrug and leave them to it. Since I already cut my boulder in half. I return to Urokodaki and sit down.

"Have you cut your boulder yet?" He asks
"Yep, Tanjiro still trying" I say
"Mmm... rest then train your power. I want you both to at least go to the final selection together." He says

I nod my head and flop down on my back and close my eyes. Releasing a heavy sigh. Muzan... what did you do that day... what did you do to me... why did I whither in pain... I sigh and rub my face in frustration.

After a few minutes, I get up and go to an area of the forest and sit down. I hold my hands out and concentrate on trying my my light bigger and bigger and brighter. While my shadows are whipping around me, destroying trees.

Over the next 6 months, I've been trying my quirk to the best I can make it, which led to me being able to turn into shadows and light!

Hero Slayer (kny x bnha reader) - 2 years of training (1)

Hero Slayer (kny x bnha reader) - 2 years of training (2)

Oh, Aizawa would be pleased, yet Bakugo would curse me out till my death!... Oh, well! Anyway, it's my 18th birthday, me and Urokodaki went to check up, and Tanjiro to see he has finally cut the boulderbin half. I cheer loudly and pulled him into a hug.

"I did not intend to send you two to final selection. I had no wish to see another child die. I didn't think you would split the boulder, but you did well" Urokodaki says

He pat our head, and we tear up and get pulled into a hug.

"Go to final selection but be sure to return alive. Your sister and I are here waiting" He says

Me and Tanjiro just burst out crying as Urokodaki takes us back to the house. Tanjiro cut his hair after dinner. I'm just brushing my hair out quietly.

Let's just hope the final selection goes well...

Hero Slayer (kny x bnha reader) - 2 years of training (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.