Any Synacor / Zimbra (cbt email service) guru's out there? - Cincinnati Bell (2024)

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« Outage yesterdaytechnical question(s) re: cbt vdsl service »




2023-Nov-10 10:09 am

Any Synacor / Zimbra (cbt email service) guru's out there?

I may have a personal disaster brewing re: my cbt email.

I decided to drop my cbt landline and port the number to a mobile provider. I *explicitly* told both parties multiple times that this was JUST a phone number port, and that I wanted to KEEP my cbt internet (and email). This morning I went to check my email and got messages about it being suspended. Dug into it, and it appears my entire altafiber account is in the process of being terminated.

Called altafiber tech support and they said there was nothing they could do at this point. The order they received was in-process, and will be completed on Monday. There was some mumbling about I could open a new altafiber account after this was wrapped up, and I requested that my email accounts be preserved (fingers crossed).

FWIW, On the off-chance that something like this might happen, a week ago I used the "export" function buried in the cbt (synacor/zimbra) webmail interface to make backups of all five of my email accounts. (i.e. I have five tar-gz files sitting on my PC).

Can any guru's out there shed any light on how I recover from this? Thanks!

· actions · 2023-Nov-10 10:09 am ·

Maineville, OH



2023-Nov-10 7:08 pm

I cannot tell you how to fix this especially if it is a residential account but this is par for the course. Professionally I have been burned by this more times than I wish to count even after taking the appropriate precautions.
For businesses you are supposed to have the services to be maintained moved to separate accounts since all services are typically tied to the account of the main phone line. Too many times, even after requesting Internet service be moved to a new account and receiving confirmation that it was, porting the main phone number resulted in disconnection of Internet service and/or E-mail accounts associated with the original account.
The bottom line is that unless you know someone who knows someone at Altafiber, their accounting system will wreck everything every time. It is sad to say that. However I do commend them for allowing customers to continue paying for E-mail after all other services have been disconnected. If Sprectum would do this, I would jump on it and switch to Altafiber for Internet and keep my legacy TW E-mail account.

I have been able, for business customers, to get their deactivated E-mail reactivated after the fact but that was only with the help of a special aquaintance who had both the ability and knowledged to do so. In both cases no data was lost. So maybe if you call support and get the right person you could accomplish the same thing. You will probably need the account number for the disconnected services and the account number where they need to be reactivated. Asking for a supervisor (especially if the first person doesn't speak English) may help.

· actions · 2023-Nov-10 7:08 pm ·




2023-Nov-10 11:57 pm

said by coolyman:

However I do commend them for allowing customers to continue paying for E-mail after all other services have been disconnected.

Well that's interesting. Didn't know that was even an option. Is that available for residential accounts?

said by coolyman:

I have been able, for business customers, to get their deactivated E-mail reactivated after the fact but that was only with the help of a special aquaintance who had both the ability and knowledged to do so. In both cases no data was lost. So maybe if you call support and get the right person you could accomplish the same thing. You will probably need the account number for the disconnected services and the account number where they need to be reactivated. Asking for a supervisor (especially if the first person doesn't speak English) may help.

My third call to altafiber tech-support this morning got me someone who seemed to be somewhat more knowledgeable. One thing she dug up and read to me said the email accounts would be preserved for 14 days. She also said they wouldn't be rolling a truck to disconnect the copper from the dslam ports (at least for a while). So *theoretically* I should be able to call Tuesday, create a new internet-only account and then link my emails to it. (Or perhaps pay them just for the email? Intriguing idea...)

Not sure how this would work for the "primary" email account, but luckily my old primary email was almost entirely cbt notices and payment reminders etc. I avoided using it due to that addr being 'privileged'. It's the other four accounts I *really* need to reactivate.

I was kinda hoping someone would be able to share some pointers on how to use the "export" and "import" functions available in the Zimbra web client provided by Synacor. As I indicated above, I took "export" snapshots the day I started the number port, hoping I wouldn't need them, sigh.

I did browse the tgz files with 7zip and saw data and structures that reflected my email folders etc, and googling turns up third party tools that will process the Zimbra tgz's for import to other clients (such as thunderbird), so I probably haven't lost any historical info (I've had cbt email since the dialup days). But I really need to reactivate those addrs!

· actions · 2023-Nov-10 11:57 pm ·

Maineville, OH



2023-Nov-12 12:16 pm

Unfortunately, I do not know how to end up with an E-mail-only account but I have been assured by our business account executive that it is a thing. I also seem to recall mention of it in this forum somewhere? I suppose it should be a thing for residential accounts but again I don't have first-hand experience with it.

· actions · 2023-Nov-12 12:16 pm ·


Anon87262 to Anon87262


2023-Nov-12 1:04 pm

to Anon87262

The comment about paying to keep the email intrigued me, so I called cbt this morning to see if it was available for residential and what it would cost. Yes, I can do it, for $25/mo, though I'd have to set up a new altafiber account.

Which led to a discussion about what was going on, which led to her putting together a new account order for (upsell grrr) '50mbit fioptics' service with my old primary email addr. After that new account is active, I'm supposed to call back to get the other four emails attached(?) to it.

Background: My old cbt account had a grandfathered 'Priced for Life' Zoomtown bundle of 5mbit dsl+landline, with a ZyXEL VMG4381 that I own (no modem fee). Porting the landline obviously broke that bundle, so once the dust settled I was probably going to upgrade from dsl anyway ('probably' because they ran fiber down my street over a year ago and I've been waiting/hoping for that option). They wanted to hit me with a $39 'account activation fee', but waived it when I objected.

Anyway, because of the dsl->vdsl upgrade, they're gonna roll a truck Monday morning to do what exactly I'm not sure. Same copper, same remote dslam, same modem (both dsl and vdsl enabled in it). Do they have to wire me to a different port in the dslam??

Huh... DSL line JUST went down. Landline still has dialtone. Fwiw, the mobile has been active with my landline number since Saturday (got a telemarketer call lol), but I can still place calls on the landline. Tried rebooting modem and it isn't training on dsl or vdsl now. Well, a truck will be here in the morning... Will post updates...

· actions · 2023-Nov-12 1:04 pm ·




2023-Nov-12 2:20 pm

In case anybody's wondering, I have had *both* the (grandfathered) CBT bundle AND (grandfathered) TWC ELP service in my home forever, as well as T-Mobile cell service on my son's (grandfathered) family plan. A combination of
1) Spectrum retiring the TWC ELP plan last month and force migrating me to their 'Internet 100' plan (at a discount),
2) my son upgrading his t-mobile family plan to their Go5G service last month (that I don't want to pay for), and
3) Spectrum offering me a free year of mobile service as an option on top of the migrated internet service
led to this upheaval. Of course now I'm back on the 'promo price good for 1 or 2 year' train, but I knew my previous setup wouldn't last forever. c'est la vie

I'm obviously less concerned about speeds than I am connectivity. For example, just now when the dsl line went down I switched over to the cable line to post this (note the IP changed in the anon box). I've got mixed feelings about giving up the ol' reliable pots line, but cbt has been horrible at doing anything about robocall blocking and I can't stand it anymore ARGHHHH

So now my cell phone is running dual-sim and I'll text everyone in my contacts that my t-mobile number will be going away and to start using my old landline number for both voice AND text. Just need to get this email thing resolved now...

· actions · 2023-Nov-12 2:20 pm ·




2023-Nov-14 2:35 pm

Wow! Just wow...
Truck arrived yesterday morning. I explained what was going on, he did some stuff on his pad(?), said 'huh they didn't need to roll a truck for this, just reprogram the port on the dslam'.

We did a walkthru, I showed him where the whole-house splitter was, where the modem was in my wiring closet. There was a moment of confusion about the modem itself, I made clear that I owned it (shown as 'customer provided modem' on old account), he made some update so that new account would reflect that (holy smokes - the modem fee is up to $10.99/mo!!)

He went back to his truck, and next thing I know the modem connected at 50/5. He opened the SNI, ran some tests, gave it a thumbs up. He said the splitter I had was 'old' (yup), ran some tests at the modem, was satisfied. Yay!

This morning I noted that the landline no longer has dial tone. I have had a browser open with tabs logged into damn near everything (spectrum and altafiber) for the past week - opened a new tab to '' and it automagically logged in (a cookie perhaps?) and asked which account I wanted to access!!

Went to the old account, says 'inactive'. Went to new account (weird number 513103xxxx), it had most of the same profile and settings and showed the new internet service. Yay! Opened a new tab to '' ("Manage my Email"). It wouldn't accept the my primary email credentials, but I see a link to "Activate New Email Address". It takes me to a page that says to call 513-565-9890. Okay...

Worked thru the menu tree, eventually got someone in tech support. Gave her both account numbers, explained what was going on and that I wanted to (re)activate my old email addrs on the new account. She 'did stuff', seemed slightly confused by what she saw, asked me to try logging into email using my primary addr. New tab to '' - last Friday it would give me 'account suspended', today it let me login (same password) and there were all the emails! Yay! Logged in/out of all five and everything was there. YAY!!

And then things went a bit weird. She said she didn't see ANY email addrs tied to the new account. Asked me to send a test email, it was delivered fine. At this point she seemed clear on how to proceed and created a Tier2 ticket to move/activate all five addrs to new account. Said Tier2 would fix it and then call me back 'in a few hours'. Hmm...

So... I've got access to my emails, but for how long? (previous rep said 14 days).
Think I'll snag another Zimbra "export" snapshot of everything while I wait ...

Also need to test logging into '' on a PC without any cookies laying around - that automagic login (above) was a bit scary!

· actions · 2023-Nov-14 2:35 pm ·

Maineville, OH



2023-Nov-14 7:51 pm

said by Anon87262 :

Wow! Just wow...
Truck arrived yesterday morning. I explained what was going on, he did some stuff on his pad(?), said 'huh they didn't need to roll a truck for this, just reprogram the port on the dslam'.

We did a walkthru, I showed him where the whole-house splitter was, where the modem was in my wiring closet. There was a moment of confusion about the modem itself, I made clear that I owned it (shown as 'customer provided modem' on old account), he made some update so that new account would reflect that (holy smokes - the modem fee is up to $10.99/mo!!)

He went back to his truck, and next thing I know the modem connected at 50/5. He opened the SNI, ran some tests, gave it a thumbs up. He said the splitter I had was 'old' (yup), ran some tests at the modem, was satisfied. Yay!

This morning I noted that the landline no longer has dial tone. I have had a browser open with tabs logged into damn near everything (spectrum and altafiber) for the past week - opened a new tab to '' and it automagically logged in (a cookie perhaps?) and asked which account I wanted to access!!

Went to the old account, says 'inactive'. Went to new account (weird number 513103xxxx), it had most of the same profile and settings and showed the new internet service. Yay! Opened a new tab to '' ("Manage my Email"). It wouldn't accept the my primary email credentials, but I see a link to "Activate New Email Address". It takes me to a page that says to call 513-565-9890. Okay...

Worked thru the menu tree, eventually got someone in tech support. Gave her both account numbers, explained what was going on and that I wanted to (re)activate my old email addrs on the new account. She 'did stuff', seemed slightly confused by what she saw, asked me to try logging into email using my primary addr. New tab to '' - last Friday it would give me 'account suspended', today it let me login (same password) and there were all the emails! Yay! Logged in/out of all five and everything was there. YAY!!

And then things went a bit weird. She said she didn't see ANY email addrs tied to the new account. Asked me to send a test email, it was delivered fine. At this point she seemed clear on how to proceed and created a Tier2 ticket to move/activate all five addrs to new account. Said Tier2 would fix it and then call me back 'in a few hours'. Hmm...

So... I've got access to my emails, but for how long? (previous rep said 14 days).
Think I'll snag another Zimbra "export" snapshot of everything while I wait ...

Also need to test logging into '' on a PC without any cookies laying around - that automagic login (above) was a bit scary!

Too bad their aren't real-life video game achievements. You would have racked up a bunch.
But what's the final boss like? Did you get there or will it be game over?

· actions · 2023-Nov-14 7:51 pm ·




2023-Nov-17 10:29 am

Well, the Tier2 person didn't call back Tues afternoon. I had dental surgery scheduled for Wed morning, so of course they called back Wed afternoon while I was laying on the couch with bloody gauze in my mouth. She offered to call back, but there was no way I was gonna do that!

She said it was 'fixed'. I already had a tab open to the 'primary email' so I refreshed it to make sure that email was still working - it was. Then I opened a new tab to '' (i.e. "Manage my Email"), entered the primary email credentials and - Hurray! it came up, populated with all five of my email addrs! So I've made it past that hurdle!

I did investigate the '' automagic logins (above). Went to a different PC (that was configured to use my spectrum connection), went to '', was prompted for credentials (yay), logged in, and in the process was reminded of a couple things:

1) That login page has a checkbox to 'remember me' (i.e. it sets a cookie when checked) which I normally never do (just like I NEVER let Windows/Android/etc save passwords) but I NOW remember I checked it when this whole adventure began. Mystery solved.

2) The login credentials for '' are NOT actually tied to the primary email creds. In particular, the password I had (long ago) set for (the cincinnati bell version of) '' did/does NOT get changed when you change the primary email password via "Manage my Emails" (which I did a couple years ago)!! And that sheds new light on some of the "Profile & Settings" items (hmmm)...

One other interesting tidbit... Whereas I can log into '' and '' via my spectrum internet connection, cbt's system prevents
using "Manage my Emails" unless you are accessing it from a CBT IP address. I.E. After supplying valid credentials to '' it brings up a page with a notice to that effect. (Which, as a side note, makes me wonder how folk who pursue the 'pay cbt to keep their email' are supposed to manage them?)

Anyway... There is still some clean-up I want to do with the '' "Profile & Setting" and "Manage Associated Accounts" stuff, but I'm going to leave everything as-is for a week or two. Their billing system is due to generate my final 'old account' and initial 'new account' bills shortly, and it's probably prudent to wait to see (and fix?) those first, LOL.

· actions · 2023-Nov-17 10:29 am ·

Maineville, OH



2023-Nov-17 6:56 pm

Be aware that this now makes you the expert on it. Any Synacor / Zimbra (cbt email service) guru's out there? - Cincinnati Bell (6)

· actions · 2023-Nov-17 6:56 pm ·

ForumsUS ISPs non-cableCincinnati Bell

« Outage yesterdaytechnical question(s) re: cbt vdsl service »

Any Synacor / Zimbra (cbt email service) guru's out there? - Cincinnati Bell (2024)
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